Routines & Writing Everyday


Writing is hard. It can often feel a lot like forcing words out of you even though you don’t actually have them. It’s so easy to sit in front of a blank screen with equally blank eyes asking yourself why am I doing this? It’s so easy to walk away from the screen, shake your head, and just say that you don’t have the words. When you do try to force them out, they can even look terrible- and they probably are. Or probably not.

The two best pieces of advice I’ve received on writing are: 1. To write everyday and 2. To allow yourself to be terrible. I think that number 2 is actually in a way connected to number one.

Writing everday is the reason why my WIP has reached 30k+ words despite being only around 9k a few months ago. I tripled that wordcount within 10 days because I forced myself to write at least 1k words then. I’m a bit less strict on myself now, but I still try to write a little bit everday.

Not everything I write is going to be good. After all, I’m forcing myself to write so it might not be the best I can do. Despite that, it’s still a first draft, so it’s okay. It’s okay to allow yourself to write terribly because it’s just a first draft. You’re still going to edit it.

This process, I think really builds drive and discipline. It helped me become a better writer as I continue to push the words out and also identify areas which I may change in the future. Besides that, it’s fun because I continue to inhabit and develop this world I created and continue to get to know the characters I came up with. Forcing myself allowed me to see more sides in the story, to weave in more threads and subplots as it continues to take shape. So far, it had diverged a bit from my original vision and it’s all the better for it.

Do you have any thoughts on writing everyday? Comments and suggestions? Please feel free to share your thoughts!

7 thoughts on “Routines & Writing Everyday

  1. I can relate to this post so much! I went through a writing slump around the end of 2017, but at the start of this year I began to write every day (or nearly every day), and it has helped me lots. Sometimes I have needed to force myself, but once I get through, say, the first paragraph the words seem to flow.

    Great to see that it is helping you!

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  2. I definitely think it’s good to try writing every day, and that sticking to it is important when you want to finish a WIP, but I also think there has to be an element of “hey, no sweat, you missed a day, it happens.” I tried writing EVERY DAY for a while and made myself miserable because I didn’t realize I could allow myself those cushion days where I didn’t write a thing. I think that’s something more people need to be ready to grant themselves if they want to tackle everyday writing.

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