New Books + TBR Update

I’ve acquired a lot of books in March and the first week of May. I now have bought more unread books than I’ve ever have in my entire life- not even counting the ebooks I’ve bought on Kindle and Kobo! Still, I’m feeling excited about having so many books to read, especially since I’ll be done with my 3rd year of college in a few weeks. One of the best parts about mass market paperbacks is that they’re cheap and you can buy more books. I’ll just buy pretty editions once I get a job or get through law school and become an attorney.

I’ve also started to notice the lack of Science Fiction in my hauls and in my TBR so for April, I’m thinking about buying more SciFi. I might start with something that’s easier to get into like the Star Wars books or maybe Ender’s Game. I do have free ebooks from Baen like the Honor Harrington series. I’m not sure if I’ll like it, though. If I’m feeling up to it, Dune also sounds really good. Please feel free to recommend some good SciFi books on the comments below!

So here are the books I bought recently!


I’m already reading Red Sister by Mark Lawrence and it no longer looks as pristine as it once did but that’s because I love it so much I marked it up a lot. I also have Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson because I have some of the Bauchelain and Korbal Broach novellas and I don’t want to start any until I’ve been introduced to the Malazan world.

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I also got The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin. This is kind of silly but I wasn’t sure about getting The Night Circus because circuses freak me out. However, I’ve heard so many good things about The Night Circus so I decided to get it. I also got The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms because I know that N.K. Jemisin won awards for her Broken Earth trilogy which sadly wasn’t available where I live. So I decided to get her earlier work instead. I’ve read a sample of this on Kindle and I liked what I read there.

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I bought Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller Chronicles because it’s rated so highly and I thought it wouldn’t be too hard to catch up when the third one comes out. I didn’t get the third one because I thought the price of the physical book was too expensive for a novella. I don’t know much about this except that there’s music involved and the prose is lyrical or something.

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I got Books 4 and 5 of the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I’m currently taking a break from the series and I might also get Books 6 and 7 for when I get back to it. That way, I can take a hiatus from the series and have like 7 books left to read. I’ve fallen in love with this world and I really want to read more but it’s so long and there are so many books I want to read. The series is fantastic so far, although I can see why it’s not for everybody.

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I told myself I want to complete the Mistborn Era 1 trilogy by Brandon Sanderson before I start reading because I don’t want to suffer from a book hangover. So I did. It’s binge-friendly now, although I don’t know if I’ll want to do that or savor the series so it doesn’t end too quickly. I’m starting The Final Empire after Red Sister. I also got Truthwitch by Susan Dennard because the premise sounds so interesting. I love the concept of there being different kinds of witches and well, it’s also an epic fantasy with multiple perspectives. My favorite now.

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I finally bought a SciFi book! I loved Claudia Gray’s Firebird trilogy (which I have yet to finish reading) so when I heard she wrote Star Wars books, I immediately thought that I have to have it. I was going to go for Bloodlines originally, but I heard that Lost Stars is one of the best Star Wars Canon books so I decided to get it. Plus, it sounds like I’m really going to like it. I love books with drama and romance from time to time and from the synopsis, I think this book will satisfy my Sci-Fi craving and romance craving. Like the Firebird trilogy, but Star Wars this time.

Because I bought so many books last month, I thought a TBR update is in order because mine is a list of 10 books updated frequently. This is not in order and only one from each series is included. The book I’m currently reading is also not included.

  1. Mistborn The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
  2. Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson
  3. All Systems Red by Martha Wells
  4. The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan
  5. Stolen Songbird by Danielle L. Jensen
  6. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
  7. The Buried Life by Carrie Patel
  8. The Bullet Catcher’s Daughter by Rod Duncan
  9. Lost Stars by Claudia Gray
  10. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

That’s it for my book haul and TBR update. I’m always open to suggestions and I don’t mind a growing pile considering that I’ll have a lot of free time by next month. I hope you all like this post and tell me what you think about the books I got.


5 thoughts on “New Books + TBR Update

  1. This is an awesome haul! 😀 The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms isn’t my favourite of Jemisin’s works but it’s addicting and got me thoroughly hooked on her writing. I highly recommend the Dreamblood duology as well! And I’m also planning on reading All Systems Red in the next couple of weeks for the fantasy subreddit bookclub, so if you want to do a buddy read give me a call!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I constantly hear about Rothfuss’s and Sanderson’s books and everytime I go to a book store I linger by their books but never buy one. It looks like such a fulfilling haul 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really want to read more of her works but it isn’t available where I live. All Systems Red sounds really interesting but I don’t know if my schedule for April allows for buddy reads.

    Liked by 1 person

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